It is almost 19 years ago when the people of Bihar handed over the reins of power to Nitish Government with full hope and confidence. Shri Kumar also took an oath in 2005 to establish the rule of law and to move on the path of justice with development. By including all segments of the society together, he laid the foundation of the programme of Good Governance, transparency and all inclusive growth. He formulated programmes of Good Governance first for the period 2005-2010 and then for 2010-2015. With all honesty and determination he executed the policies based on programme of Good Governance. During this journey of achievements, possibilities and challenges he has been receiving immense support and co-operation from the people of the state.
Within a period of only a few years Shri Kumar has revamped many public organisations and systems. On the one hand he succeeded in establishing effective law and order and rule of law while on the other hand he has also achieved greater height in the development of Human Resource along with good infrastructure. A sense of security and determination has been instilled in the minds of the people and the impact of which can be seen in the economic and social activities of the villages. Giving utmost priority to the weaker, resource starved and devoid of development sections of the society, a new direction of development was envisaged.
The topmost priority of Shri Nitish Kumar government has been to establish the rule of law by improving the law and order. He, without any bias and prejudice and by following the legal provisions and procedures have controlled crime and made the criminals ineffective, the impact of which can be seen in all spheres. Organised crime has also been stringently brought under control. In co-ordination with the courts, speedy trial system was introduced and many criminals have been convicted by the court. In keeping with the ratio of the population, attention was paid to the appointments in police and equipping it with essential resources and also its modernisation. Wherever the anti social elements tried to create conflict or communal tension, he controlled the situation by immediately entering into dialogue with the people and taking their cooperation along with administrative intervention. These steps on the one hand created a sense of security in the minds of the citizens and on the other hand established fear of law amongst the criminals. Today people can move out of their houses anytime for their personal and social activities. This feeling of security and zeal cannot be measured in terms of words and figures.
By adopting the Zero Tolerance Policy we are continuing with our campaign against corruption. Effective measures have been ensured against corrupt public servants by adopting and creating legal and organisational systems. Concrete steps have been undertaken by the Vigilance Investigation Bureau, Special Investigating Unit and Economic Offence Unit by instituting cases and ensuring punishment along with confiscating illegally earned property of the public servants involved in corruption, having disproportionate assets and who misuse their offices. For the first time schools have been opened for the poor and differently abled children in confiscated buildings constructed from illegal earnings.